How Can Artificial Turf Keep Your Arizona Garden Safe

December 29, 2023

Gardening has become popular in Phoenix, Gilbert and the broader Arizona community. Residents transform their landscapes with luscious flower beds or vegetables for their tables. However, all that work can quickly go to waste with natural threats to your garden.

Synthetic grass landscapes are an effective way to protect your garden from all manner of challenges, including pests and weeds. You’ve put time, effort and affection into your garden; don’t let it get damaged by these preventable forces.

Synthetic turf provides a durable barrier for your garden while requiring minimal maintenance. An artificial grass lawn looks just as beautiful as your homegrown garden with less than half the effort.

Read on to learn about the benefits of artificial turf to your Phoenix landscape and garden.

Combat Weeds

Weeds are enemy No. 1 for your garden, moving into natural grass lawns and monopolizing resources. Ragweed, crabgrass, dandelions and other weeds capture water and nutrients with fast-growing root systems, leaving little for your precious garden plants.

Skip the hassle of combating weeds by installing artificial grass products for your lawn and balconies. Durable synthetic grass creates a harsh environment for weeds, especially when manufactured with a heavy-duty barrier in the turf backing.

Synthetic turf simplifies weed prevention and fosters a healthier landscape for your family by eliminating the need for harmful pesticides. Double down on this safety by installing pet turf and training your dog to use that area, instead of your garden, for their business.

Eliminate Pests From Your Garden

Another major problem for your garden is pests. Earwigs, beetles, caterpillars and more little critters creep into your gardens to feast on plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits and whatever else you may be growing.

The challenge with pests is that they make your whole yard their home, nesting in wet, nutrient-rich natural grass. You could purchase pesticides, but these are costly and create an unsafe environment for children or pets.

The solution is artificial turf. By creating a synthetic landscape devoid of the organic materials needed to survive, pests will leave your home searching for greener pastures. Your plants and flowers will flourish in their absence.  

Reduce Soil Erosion

One challenge for Phoenix and Gilbert residents is combating soil erosion. Traditional lawns need help holding their foundation together, especially on hills or uneven terrain. A worn foundation makes it difficult for garden plants to gain a foothold.

The sturdy fibers of synthetic turf lawns hold the soil together, preventing erosion and securing your garden’s foundation. This trait is essential during heavy rains or in areas of frequent foot traffic, where danger to the soil is increased.

Artificial grass for backyards is engineered to withstand varying levels of foot traffic, so you can acquire the synthetic turf that fits your Gilbert landscape’s unique needs. 

Advantages of Artificial Turf in Phoenix

Synthetic grass for Phoenix residents is a luxurious solution to the problems facing home gardens. They provide a durable barrier against weeds, create an inhospitable environment for pests and hold your soil together. Moreover, synthetic turf looks lush and freshly grown with minimal maintenance.

Saving money and headaches in Gilbert, Phoenix and beyond is as easy as contacting SGW Arizona for premium artificial turf products. We’ve made ourselves the top artificial grass distributor by offering high-quality turf and trusted warranties.

Call us today at 800.571.1018 or contact us online for a free quote! Your garden will thank you.

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