What Makes Artificial Turf So Durable?

March 29, 2024

There have been some bold claims about the durability of artificial turf products. Homeowners looking to refresh their lawns with synthetic grass may wonder, “Is it really that durable?” The short answer is yes!

However, we understand that it takes more than that to reassure you. After all, wholesale turf in Phoenix, AZ, can be expensive. To ensure you’re getting the best product for your money, you must understand what makes synthetic grass so durable.

While several traits boost an artificial grass lawn’s longevity—such as UV-stabilization and drainage grids—it comes down to three pillars: tuft bind, blade strength, and achieving the right balance between them.

Read on to learn the significance of each and how synthetic grass landscapes endure the fiercest weather and the busiest barbeques.

Tuft bind

While the backing is seen as the foundation of an artificial turf lawn’s durability, it’s just one aspect that dictates the strength of the tuft bind. Tuft bind is the metaphorical glue that holds turf fibers in place, regardless of wind, rain, foot traffic, or dogs trying to dig into your lawn.

A high tuft bind is essential for products like pet turf. It’s the mechanics behind “pull-resistance.” The higher the tuft bind, the harder it is to pull fibers from their backing. A high tuft bind combines quality yarn, backing material, and construction.

Consider polyethylene’s impact. This material produces synthetic grass backings with superior flexibility. It adjusts easily to the weather, preventing deterioration. Polyethylene backings support playground turf and residential turf for homeowners with frequent visitors.

Blade strength

Individual blade endurance is another core aspect of reliable longevity. Quality landscape turf needs to withstand heavy foot traffic, vigorous pets, and, in the case of backyard putting greens, the swing of a golf club. Sturdy blades prevent premature deterioration.

Synthetic turf blades are manufactured from durable materials, shaped into designs to maximize flexibility and life-like texture. These shapes help individual fibers bounce back after experiencing pressure or heavy winds.

Polyethylene, nylon, and polypropylene are used to create robust synthetic turf fibers. These materials provide varying levels of durability augmented by UV resistance, water repellency, and the ability to hold their shape.

When it comes to artificial turf landscapes, the details make the difference!

The right balance for maximum durability

High-quality artificial turf in Gilbert, AZ, features a robust tuft bind and durable blades. Having one without the other would leave your synthetic grass landscape open to premature deterioration from foot traffic, weather, and pets.

Think of these two factors as two sides of the same coin. They work together to ensure maximum durability, the first offering a strong foundation and the second providing structural integrity. The result is a vibrant landscape that’ll last years or even decades!

Synthetic grass products with the right balance allow the creation of dynamic landscapes, including custom putting greens and pet-friendly spaces.

Premium artificial turf from the top distributor

SGW Arizona is proud to be the top artificial turf distributor in Phoenix, AZ. Our unique business model makes durable synthetic grass products accessible through direct delivery and flexible operating hours. Our superior service empowers residents to realize their dream landscapes!

We source only American-made artificial turf products engineered to the highest health and quality standards. These products include pet turf, putting greens, and more. When combined with installation accessories, dynamic landscapes come to life in Phoenix, AZ.

Call SGW Arizona today at 800.571.1018 or contact us online for a free estimate!

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